Orientation of Social Media Activists

Orientation of Social Media Activists

Orientation of Social Media Activists on ‘Children with Disabilities- Issues and Challenges’.

An innovative programme of  Manasa Institute of Child Health & Disability Studies

Kothapet, Hyderabad.

Date: 23/12/2017


11.00am Welcome address- Smt. P. Ratnanjali –Spl. Education Teacher, Manasa Institute
11.05 am Introduction by-Sri Chegondi Chandra Shekhar, Zindagi images group Admin & Programmer , TSAT, Govt of TS
11.15 am Orientation on ‘Children with Disabilities-Issues and Challenges’-Sri R.Ramakrishna Murthy, Director-Manasa Institute
12.00 pm Orientation on Mentally Challenged Children-

Dr. P. Srinivas, Paediatrician

12.30 pm Participants’ interaction with Mentally Challenged Children, Parents & Special Education Teachers
1.00 pm L U N C H
1.30 pm Mimicry Programme by Dr.(Mimicry) Srinivas
2.00 Pm Agenda for future
2. 30 pm Vote of thanks – Smt. L.Laxmi, Spl. Education Teacher, Manasa Institute

The advent of social media has made the spreading of information and communication very easy, speedy, economic and accessible. The flexibility of using social networking sites being very dynamic one can connect with large audiences, whether it is through Twitter, Instagram, or the Face book. Today social media marketing has been emerging as an alternative for traditional individual, organisational and social marketing channels such as print and electronic media. Many social issues are getting publicised to be addressed effectively by the activists, social and international organisations and also governments.  The dawn of ‘social media activism’ has enlarged the scope to do good for the society, bring social change and influence public policy.

Recently one of the social media activists group in Telanganaon the Face book called the ‘Zindagi Images’ have become centre of media buzz for its reach of 1,00,000 members (from India and Indians living abroad) and for taking up various social issues and problems to the notice of Telangana Government and get resolved them successfully.Zindagi Images group is very pro-active in educating and sensitising its members on contextual problems and also fostering knowledge to respond appropriately.

Manasa Institute of Child Health and Disability Studies has reached out to have a constructive dialogue with the core team of Zindagi Images on the on the need for sensitising society on inclusion and issues pertaining to children with disabilities, particularly the children with mental retardation and their families. After several discussions the Zindagi Images group has agreed to mobilise 30-40 core group members (who are successful people from different walks of life) for a one day orientation programme at Manasa. programme has been scheduled on 23rd December 2017.


Objectives of the programme

  1. To sensitise participants on the issues relating to children with disabilities in general and children with mental retardation in specific.
  2. To educate the participants on the rights of the people with disabilities and psychological and physical barriers.
  3. To appeal the participants on the need for supporting and strengthening programmes aimed to empower people with disabilities and their families.

News clips on zindagi images group &their endevours