Special Education

Manasa Special School for the Mentally Challenged

Manasa Special School is providing special education services for over 100 children with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, ADHD, Multiple Disabilities and other Neurodevelopmental Disabilities by well qualified and experienced special education teachers, equipped with well evolved IEP system (Individualised Education Program).

Department of Special Education works hand in hand with the other departments like Dept of Physical therapy, Dept. of Audiology, Speech & Language therapy, Dept. of Occupational Therapy and the Dept. of Early Intervention for the integrated development of the child. All the special children also get access to health, nutrition and Neurodevdelopmental clinical services.

Weekly case conferences (every weekend) are held on the progress of the children involving all the special educators, therapists and parents and periodical evaluation & parent counselling done by the Director on all the aspects of the child’s optimum improvement and on IEP implementation and planning for the inclusion.

After taking the detailed case history and verification of previous records of the child a comprehensive assessment will be taken up using a suitable tool such as Functional Assessment Check List for Programming or Upanayan of based on the needs assessment the child will be interfaced with one or more health and rehab professionals (Physical therapy or Speech Therapy or Occupational therapy or Behavior therapy) for further assessment and for planning follow up services. After complete baseline assessment the child will be given admission in the special school.