One day Workshop on Special Education for the Children with Intellectual Disabilities

One day Workshop on Special Education for the Children with Intellectual Disabilities

One day Workshop on Special Education for the Children with Intellectual Disabilities in collaboration with Sri Gopikrishna Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad

  • No of Participants restricted to 20
  • Schedule: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
  • Working lunch: 1.30- 2.00pm
10.00 Lighting the Lamp & Inauguration


Time Session Method Speaker
10.30 Inaugural Speech :

Perspectives of Education and the Philosophy of Special Education

Lecture Prof. Mrunalini,

Director -CITE,  I. A. S. E., Osmania University

11.30 Good Special Education practices (GSEP) Presentation&


Dr. L GovindaRao,

Former Director, NIMH, NIEPMD&Mentor-MICHADS

12.30 Evolution and Paradigm Shifts in Special Education for children with IDs. Presentation &


Mr. R. Ramakrishna Murthy

Director, MICHADS.

1.30 L U N C H
2.00 Behavioural management in Class rooms.


Presentation & Discussion Prof. SarojArya (Retd), Formerly -HoD, Department of Psychology,  NIMH
3.00 Baseline Assessment and IEP design for children with ID Practice &



Ms. Rajeshwari

M. A. (Psy), M. Ed. (M. R. )

Senior Special Education Teacher

4.00 Application of IEP for Children with IDs Task based Exercises and Presentations


5.00 Interactions& Feedback

According to World Health Organisation, Intellectual Disability (ID) means a significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information and to learn and apply new skills (impaired intelligence). This results in a reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning), and begins before adulthood, with a lasting effect on development. The main feature of ID is the discrepancy between the individual’s capabilities in learning and in the expectations of the social environment. Latest studies reveal that the prevalence of Intellectual disabilities range from 0.5 to 2% of the population (McKenzie, Milton, Smith & Ouellette-Kuntz, 2016).There are three criteria to be met for a diagnosis of ID; i. e.,

1) An IQ below 70,

2) significant limitations in two or more areas of adaptive behaviour, and

3) evidence that the limitations became apparent before the age of 18. Depending on the extent, type of the disability and associated conditions people with intellectual disabilities require various rehabilitation services like speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and more importantly.

Special education is specially designed instruction that addresses the unique needs of children with special needs usually with one or the other kind of disability like autism, hearing impairment mental retardation and learning disability. Special education customises its curriculum and programmesto meet the specific educational needs of its students. Apart from the education being one of the basic rights, through many policies and acts the government of India has pronounced the “Education for All”. However meeting the educational needs of the children with special needs has been a major challenge due to variouscauses. Inadequate trained manpower is one of the prominent causes. There are very few institutes in India are offering courses on special education. And there an immense need for strengthening special education services with effective capacity building programmes for the in-service General Education Teachers and with CRE programmes for Special Education Teachers and also the students pursuing teacher education. It is also imperative to improve the skills of Social Workers engaged in CBR and imparting knowledge and skills among the parents of the children with special needs.  Keeping in view these requirements of capacity development the‘Manasa Institute of Child Health &Disability Studies’ (MICHADS), Hyderabad has come up with asuitable one day training programme on the Special education for the Children with Intellectual Disabilities.

  • Objectives:
  1. Provide information on the basics of special education practice and changing paradigms.
  2. Foster knowledge and skills on the Special Education Assessment of the Children with IDs
  3. Involve the participants in IEP designing for Children with IDs.
  4. Offer techniques and strategies on behavioural management for the Children with IDs.